Our COVID-19 Statement

Current: Our COVID-19 policy

 LCLC rehearses indoors with air purification.  As of April 2024, the chorus has adopted a masking-optional policy at rehearsals and performances. Members should not attend practices or performances if currently experiencing symptoms of COVID-19. Before returning to choir, members are directed to check current information posted on the BC Centre for Disease Control websiteMembers can attend rehearsal virtually via Zoom if they are unable to participate due to illness or other reasons.

Detailed masking guidelines are available in the "Members" section of this website, specifically in the minutes of the GM meeting of April 14, 2024.

History: What We Did During the Pandemic

 After a brief pause of rehearsals during the spring of 2020, we moved forward with outdoor practising in small groups of 5 - 6 people, as per the restrictions of the time. When the cold weather came, we moved indoors to virtual practices via Zoom. A Social Media Committee was formed, to explore and pursue ways for LCLC to establish an online presence to continue our work. 

 In 2021 and 2022, we produced four "virtual choir" pieces which were incorporated into six virtual revues we presented on Zoom, with themes including labour, the environment, anti-racism, the gig economy and water. These revues involved collaborating with other performers and guest artists, creating one-hour shows which entertained and also raised funds (Coast Protectors and the Red Dress Project being two major recipients). 

 We performed at a number of outdoor events, including the official dedication of the Asbestos Memorial near the Vancouver Convention Centre West, in Sept. 2022.  By November, we were able to return to in-person indoor concert performances, singing at the Heart of the City Festival. We sang in the Cultural Sharing Concert: Together in Peace,  held at the Ukrainian Hall. 

In November, 2023 we hosted our first full indoor concert since 2019: "Step it Up: Voices for Climate Action" with Luke Wallace and other featured performers including the Alouette Sisters and Emily Villavincencio.